Quite often within the fantasy art realm, I'm required to create fictional heraldic devices, or a coat
of arms or family crest.
Similar to a logo, but they tend to have a nature all their own. In the top center is the crest I used at my wedding to represent
my wife and I and our joining. The dragon represented fantasy, the black rose is my symbol, and the laurel leaves cresting
it are for my wife's namesake, Laura.
Although I have yet to produce a "proper" coat of arms, that is a historically accurate one, I find that it's quite complicated
to create a crest within the fantasy realm. There are less limits, but one still has to consider a number of factors, such
as retaining an amount of simplicity if the image is to be used for embroidery or a tattoo.
Simply click on the thumbnails below to view the images larger in a new window!